Participation au Gala MercadOr

Aquatech BM, coup de cœur du jury pour ses machines laveuses de bouteilles.

Participating in the MercadOr Gala was a great honor for the Aquatech-BM team. Winning an award motivates us even more to be present on the national and international scene.

Marie-Élaine Beaudoin and her colleague Ines Miloudi from Développement économique de l’agglomération de Longueuil (DEL) tell us about the prestigious Mercad’Or competition. Beforehand, we were a little intimidated by the prospect of taking part and working with the Orpexes. We’re very proud to be on the same list as companies like Métal 7 and D-Box technologies, as well as other large SMEs!

Business article

We were also very grateful to take part in this event (we would have loved to have been able to attend in person!), which gave us a better understanding of other industries and of the power of local business development. There’s a lot of ingenuity in Quebec! As we all know, exports bring cash into the country. A competition like Mercad’Or puts the spotlight on exporting companies, which go out and find customers outside the province. Personally, I think it’s great that Quebec has so many resources and programs (via trade commissioners, the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation, Investissement Québec, etc.) to help companies succeed in their export projects. We’re really lucky to have access to all this help.

I grew up in Quebec, and throughout my studies I had the chance to rub shoulders with people from all over the world. These encounters gave me the opportunity to better understand a multitude of cultures. I’m convinced that this in turn enabled me, in my role at Aquatech-BM, to gain a better understanding of the various target markets and to build lasting relationships abroad with a view to exporting our products. Exporting our know-how and products is our way of contributing to value creation in Quebec.

Receiving the “Coup de cœur de jeune exportateur” award fills us with pride, and pushes us to constantly improve. It’s really given us the boost we need to continue developing new products to expand our customer base around the globe. One of the most successful new products at the moment is our mini washer. It’s a more affordable machine, but offers the same performance as our standard washer. We think it will be very popular with smaller businesses.

Our participation in this competition has made us feel enormously accompanied and supported. It gave us the feeling that we were on the right track and that we were doing the right thing. We really care about the common good at Aquatech-BM, and one of our motivations for taking part in this competition was to thank the people who work with us, to show them that our efforts are worthwhile.

The recognition also gave us some media exposure. We’re very happy to have been mentioned in La Relève and Les Affaires, and we hope that this will help us become better known internationally.

We’re at the very beginning of our launch, and we’re going to do everything we can to help the Aquatech-BM family grow. Keep an eye on us, you’ll keep hearing about us!

By: Félix Bégin – President


A “Coup de Coeur” award for Aquatech BM of Boucherville